Ten Secrets of Linda Ikeji Blog Success!!!


I am very sure that thousands of new blogs are launched every day by aspiring bloggers and a lot of Nigerians who think that blogging is now another money spinner. While some may think blogging is now the fastest way to becoming rich and famous after Linda Ikeji launched her N24m 2014 white Range Rover SportSupercharged.

The already existing bloggers and online news platform ‘owners’ may be wondering the magic Linda Ikeji Blog (LIB) is applying to attract so much traffic.

The fact remains that many bloggers have an unrealistic idea of what it takes to build a successful blog, you may look at a popular blog and think “I can do that!”…and you can, however, you need to understand that it takes a lot of work and strategy to develop a blog to a point where it is successful. Below are few secrets/strategies of Linda Ikeji and most other successful bloggers.

  1. Blog About What You Love.

Blog about something you love naturally, otherwise you’ll not show passion in your writing, and if there’s no passion, your blog will suffer, since you will not be able to update the blog regularly. So find a topic you are comfortable with, cars, food ,entertainment, politics etc. it is very obvious Linda likes reporting on celebrities personal lives and lifestyles, what most people terms as gossip. The blog is specific about its areas of concentration. News, Events, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Fashion, Beauty, Inspiration and yes… Gossip is boldly written on top of her blog. The passion for the topic will keep you going during the low traffic days. LIB started since 2006 and has its major break through in 2011.

  1. Encourage Interaction on Your Blog.

Ensure you get people talking on your blog. Ask them to add their comments on various articles, Linda will always ask what is wrong will this or that. Edit less on individual comments, readers like to see their comments put up on its original form. If possible transform your blog to an online community, LIB has successfully turn to this, with a lot of regular commentators. I found out that most visitors on LIB enjoy reading the comments on the blogs than the articles themselves.

  1. Attach a face to your Blog/Get Personal.

Most successful blogs including LIB is personalized, attaching a face and name to it. Most blog readers are comfortable reading personalized blogs, they want to follow people not brands. Since the blog is more of an online community reveal more about who you are in your posts but not to the extent of been at security risk, most LIB readers see Linda already as a friend as she carries them along almost on a daily basis on her social life. I have read on LIB about her lost phone, her sisters and family, her travels both international and local, her birthdays, purchase of her cars, yet I neither know the cars registration numbers nor which part of Lagos she lives at. By being personal, you’ll be encouraging people to like you and by tapping into their emotions you’ll encourage loyalty hence happy, returning visitors.

  1.  Writing Style (Catchy Headings/Title, Avoid lengthy Articles); Verifiable source of Stories.

Catchy Headlines are one of the biggest drivers of a post’s popularity and success, ensure you write punchy headlines/titles for your posts on the blog to draw peoples attention and inspire their curiosity. Avoid lengthy articles and do more and more images/videos, people love images and enjoy seeing photographs/ pictures so provide as many as possible and give your audience lots of things to enjoy.

 Ensure that stories are genuine and from verifiable source,(not write ups like a bank manager from a B state in the north is dating a girl whose name starts from alphabet number 50) most corporate bodies will not like to associate with blogs with non verifiable stories and post.

  1. Get Social/ Integrate your Blog to other social media platforms.

You can increase your audience size by integrating your blog to other social media platforms like Twiter, Facebook and Instergram. It does not cost you anything additional and the posts can be updated to these platforms automatically.

  1. Get a mentor/Interact with Other Bloggers.

Your growth may be stunted if you isolate yourself from other bloggers in your local community. It will be advisable to get a mentor or a senior blogger as a close colleague, who you get vital information and advice from. Linda once confessed she had to get a follow blogger to give her his advert rate, which enabled her, charge her first major advertiser appropriately.

  1. Be Apolitical

Avoid overtly associating with a political interest, it may put question mark on your credibility. I can remember some bloggers and social media practitioners that attended a state governors press briefing were subjected to a lot credibility litmus test.

  1. Develop thick skin.

A blog allows you to share your views with the world. If comments are enabled, others can share their views with you. These views may conflict with yours.

In order to develop a successful blog, you need to develop a thick skin and not take criticism to heart. Occasionally you may get negative comment on your blog, don’t let it put you off or scare you away from blogging. However, be mindful that hot topics such as religion and politics can upset people.

  1. Be dedicated and attend less social gathering in order not to demystify yourself and have enough time to blog.
  2. Give back to society.

Start a charitable organization and create a platform to give back to society. Blessed is the hand that giveth and givers never lack is a maxim that works. PRAY!, PRAY!!  PRAY!!!!!!!


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